Meet Our Leadership

Rabbi Daniel Graber is an enthusiastic educator, learner, and community builder with a passion for making Jewish tradition and texts accessible and meaningful to modern readers. He completed his rabbinical studies at the Jewish Theological Seminary (‘19), having previously completed a Masters in Jewish Education at JTS’s William Davidson School (‘14). He is a native New Yorker, growing up in Queens, and holds a BA in political science from Stony Brook University, as well as a minor in theatre.

Rabbi Graber brings experience from his time as Assistant Rabbi and Music Director of the New City Jewish Center, strengthening community through relationship building, adding musicality to services, and innovating in family programming and use of technology. He previously served as the Student Assistant Rabbi of the Oceanside Jewish Center where he trained b’nei mitzvah, enhanced adult education, and acted as ba’al koreh. Before joining us at FHJC, Rabbi Graber most recently served as the Interim Rabbi at Temple Sinai in Middletown NY.

Rabbi Graber has a love of teaching and has spent years working with teens, enhancing religious schools, and engaging adults in meaningful study in synagogues and through the Jewish Federation. Rabbi Graber is interested in Halakha (Jewish law) and Talmud, as well as fostering caring community. He enjoys singing, dancing, reading, and cooking. Rabbi Graber is blessed to be raising his son Zev and daughter Sivan.

You can reach Rabbi Graber at [email protected]

Hazzan Randy LevinHazzan Randall Levin enjoys leading the congregation in prayer and song on Shabbat, holidays and special occasions, and serves as a teacher, mentor, and resource for congregants of all ages. In addition to serving as the congregation’s music director, the Hazzan is also charged with leading FHJC’s outstanding b’nei mitvah program, tutoring many of the students himself. Prior to coming to Forest Hills, Hazzan Levin served as the Cantor at Temple Beth El in Rochester, NY and at the Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emet in Highland Park, New Jersey. Hazzan Levin holds a master’s degree in Sacred Music and Liturgy from the Jewish Theological Seminary’s Miller Cantorial School and College of Jewish Music, where he was invested as a Hazzan in 2014. At the Seminary, Hazzan Levin was the recipient of numerous awards and scholarships, and pursued curricular concentrations in Jewish liturgy, worship theory and ritual practice, culminating in his thesis work, “Hazzanut as an Extension of the Rabbinic Mind.” Hazzan Levin has taught and lectured throughout the New York Metropolitan Area on a wide range of topics, including spirituality, emotion and meaning in synagogue music, public versus private prayer, the social function of synagogue song, and Hassidic influences in synagogue music.
Originally from Akron, Ohio, Hazzan Levin attended Beth El Congregation, where he sang in the Beth El Synagogue Choir under the tutelage of Hazzan Stephen Stein. Hazzan Levin received his Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance from the University of Akron School of Music before completing his graduate studies at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. Hazzan Levin is a past Fellowship recipient at the Aspen Music Festival, where he performed a leading role under the baton of legendary New York City Opera maestro Julius Rudel. He has appeared professionally as a soloist in stage and concert productions in the United States and Europe, in addition to teaching private voice lessons. Hazzan Levin and his wife Emily reside happily in Forest Hills with their two sons, Henry and Michael.

You can reach Hazzan Levin at [email protected].

Deborah Gregor has been the Executive Director of the Forest Hills Jewish Center since 2005, prior to which she served in the same capacity at the Brandeis School in Lawrence, NY. She earned a bachelor’s of engineering degree at The Cooper Union and studied business at Adelphi University. She and her husband have two children and one grandchild.

You can reach Deborah Gregor at [email protected].

Lynne FisherMeet our Director.
Lynn Fisher began her journey at Forest Hills Jewish Center as a parent of two Nursery School aged-children. Being a parent at the school exposed her to all of the opportunities that FHJC has to offer. Lynn began substitute teaching in the Toddler program and then became an assistant teacher. After receiving her Master’s in Early Childhood Education, she took on the role of lead teacher in the Threes and then our PreK programs.

On August 1, 2017, Lynn began her role at Forest Hills Jewish Center as Director of Early Childhood Education. Taking on this new role has allowed Lynn to utilize her wealth of knowledge in teaching and apply it to administration, supervision, and program development. Lynn brought her expertise in innovative programming to bear when adding the NYCDOE Pre-K For All and 3K programs to FHJC. This has allowed the FHJC Early Childhood Program to continue to prepare our students for life after FHJC.

Lynn is the recipient of the 2014 Grinspoon-Steinhardt Award for Excellence in Jewish Education. She views all children as full of wonder, competent and resourceful, eager to learn and explore.

You can reach Lynn Fisher at [email protected].

Silvia was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She completed her graduate degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires while also working as a teacher and area coordinator at a local Jewish Day school. Shortly after her graduation, Silvia moved to Israel to study at Hebrew University where she received a MA in Jewish Education.  

In 1998 Silvia and her family moved to the USA and settled in Roanoke, VA where they lived for eight years serving the local Jewish community. During those years, Silvia created and directed Beth Israel Synagogue’s Early Childhood program and served as a volunteer in many areas of the Jewish community life.

In 2006, Silvia, her husband, Rabbi Manes Kogan, and their three children, moved to NY. Since then, she has worked as an educator in different areas: early childhood, Religious School and family engagement. She also started new initiatives in her own community in Queens such as establishing a PJ Library chapter, coordinating youth shabbat and holiday services and leading adult classes. 

Silvia strongly believes in the importance of creating an intentional communal space where the entire family can be involved through rituals and learning. 

Silvia looks forward to meeting the members of the FHJC community and is excited to join the FHJC team. 

She can be reached at [email protected]

Laurie WorthmanLaurie Worthman is the voice of FHJC’s business office, helping everyone who stops in or calls. Laurie has been a part of the FHJC family since 1995
and she knows everyone and stays in touch with many members, checking up on their families and their health. Laurie and her husband Roy have a son and daughter-in-law, and one grandson.

You can reach Laurie Worthman at [email protected].

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