
Prayer Is At The Heart of FHJC

Forest Hills Jewish Center places prayer as a central pillar of Jewish life. Through traditional and authentic egalitarian services we enable the prayers of our hearts to be expressed. Through prayer we express awe, gratitude, and hope and we cry out for compassion, empathy, and connection. Our inspiring prayer services at FHJC provide a context for building friendships, articulating our values and supporting each other in joy and grief.

Daily Minyan

All are welcome and counted at our daily minyan. This intimate and informal setting is where we strengthen community ties whether you are a newcomer or a seasoned member. Here we forge life-long connections, and we share in the responsibility of making a minyan to comfort and support those saying Kaddish (the memorial prayer) for a departed loved one or observing a yahrzeit (anniversary of an individual’s passing). We are currently meeting both virtually and in person.

Click here for a schedule of services.
Click here for zoom link

Worship school traditionKabbalat Shabbat

In this traditional, joyful, and spirited Friday night service, we join together to welcome Shabbat with inspiring song, moments of quiet contemplation, and brief words of Torah from our clergy. We are currently meeting in person with the option to join via Zoom.

Click here for a schedule of services.
Click here for zoom link

Worship tefillin

Shabbat Morning and Holidays

Saturdays and Holidays at 9:00 am
Sunlight filters through stained-glass windows, illuminating our main sanctuary, as the sound of voices singing reverberates through the air. Our traditional, fully egalitarian service encourages participatory davening, prayer, and features a fusion of uplifting melodies both old and new, led by our ordained Hazzan, Randall Levin. Our Rabbi, Daniel Graber, offers insight, challenge, inspiration and comfort with his words of Torah.The whole community celebrates b’nei mitzvah and other simchas, happy events, as part of the service. We encourage participation and welcome and support those new to the Jewish or FHJC community. We are also blessed with many knowledgeable congregants who read Torah or Haftarah, lead services and teach as well. Children are often seen on the Bimah and are always welcome.

We are currently meeting in person with an option to join via Zoom.
Click here for a schedule of services.
Click here for zoom link

Youth Services

Prayer-kids and torahShabbat on the Stoop
For tots – 2nd grade and their families. Every other Shabbat morning we fill our alley stoop with song, dance, prayer, puppets, props and stories. A lively cookie kiddush is enjoyed by all. As an accommodation during COVID, we have moved services for our youngest children outdoors.

Click here for our calendar and Shabbat On The Stoop website.

Junior Congregation
For 2nd grade-High School. The purpose of Junior Congregation is to give children and tweens a chance to participate in an authentic, child-centered prayer community. Here they learn not only how to pray, but the concepts and meanings that make prayer so central to Jewish heritage. They learn about the weekly Torah portion and build their Jewish identity as they strengthen friendships. They practice leadership and take on challenges that help them grow and gain grit and resilience. Our teens take an active role in leading activities and discussions as they are guided by supportive and knowledgeable clergy and teachers.

Click here for a schedule of Youth Services

Shabbat Afternoon Meet-up

Select Saturdays, drop in from 1-3:00 for an intergenerational Shabbat Afternoon Meet-up featuring indoor games in the FHJC gym, board games for adults and kids, and schmoozing. All are welcome.

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