Home » Get Involved » Sisterhood
FHJC Sisterhood aims to:
Sisterhood is YOU!
We are affiliated with Women’s League for Conservative Judaism and a member of its BQLI Region. Together with other Sisterhoods we support the Torah Fund campaign and participate in National and BQLI events such as Women’s Seders, Study Days, and On-Line Study Sessions.
On-Going Programs
Daytime Readers bookclub
Consult the calendar for days and times
Contact us at [email protected]
Forest Hills Jewish Center Early Childhood Program
Forest Hills Jewish Center
106-06 Queens Boulevard
Forest Hills, NY 11375
P: 718.263.7000
E: [email protected]
Affiliated with United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, the association of Conservative congregations in North America.
Support MERCAZ USA the Zionist Organization of the Conservative Movement
Ⓒ Forest Hills Jewish Center • Web Design by Studio Erez