
Sisterhood Mission

FHJC Sisterhood aims to:

  • Strengthen and unite the women of our synagogue
  • Support our commitment to Conservative/Masorti Judaism in our homes, our synagogue, and our community
  • Reinforce our bonds with Israel and Jews worldwide
challah bake

Who is FHJC Sisterhood?

  • Women who enjoy reading and discussing books
  • Mothers and daughters spending the evening together crafting and challah baking
  • Women of all ages engaging in tikkun olam, social action.    We currently focus on helping women and children sheltering from domestic violence.  
  • Strong Jewish women actively involved in the ritual life of the Forest Hills Jewish Center; reading Torah and Haftorah, leading our community in prayer and engaged in study with the Rabbi and Hazzan. 

Sisterhood is YOU!

sisterhoodWe are affiliated with Women’s League for Conservative Judaism and a member of its BQLI Region. Together with other Sisterhoods we support the Torah Fund campaign and participate in National and BQLI events such as Women’s Seders, Study Days, and On-Line Study Sessions.

On-Going Programs
Daytime Readers bookclub

Consult the calendar for days and times

Contact us at [email protected]

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