Men's Club

Men's Club Mission

To promote acts of chesed (good deeds)

To support the FHJC and the Forest Hills communities

To create a warm environment to meet new friends

The Forest Hills Jewish Center Men’s Club actively works alongside the synagogue to create programs and generate funds to support the congregation and surrounding communities.

mens club

What we do

Throughout the year, FHJC Men’s Club promotes acts of chesed:

  • Hosts, participates and sponsors religious, charitable, environmental, and social events.
  • Sponsors environmental events, such as the E-Waste Electronics Repurposing Program, the ‘recycle a ‘Bicycle’ program, and the annual Cemetery Cleanup effort.
  • Donates to and/or participates with various charitable organizations including Meals on Wheels and Masbia

Men’s Club supports the FHJC and Forest Hills communities:

  • a Men’s Club World Wide Wrap during the morning Minyan service on Super Bowl Sunday for the entire congregation
  • Purchases and has engraved all the Kiddush Cups for FHJC’s Bar and Bat Mitzvah candidates.
  • a musical Havdalah evening program for our children
  • a Shiva Minyan Breakfast for those who participate in Shiva Minyanim

Men’s Club creates a warm environment to meet new friends

  • Schedules and participates in social events such as trips to New York team baseball games, cigar nights, off-site Club meetings, tours of parts of the city and more.
  • Sponsors and runs annual fundraising events, such as the popular Coffee House, the Rock and Roll Evening, the Yom Hashoah Yellow Candle Program, and the Scotch and Beer BBQ in the Sukkah.

We invite you to join the Men’s Club community.
See the calendar for a schedule of our events.
Contact the Main Office for our email address and phone number.

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