Life Cycle

At the Forest Hills Jewish Center we joyously celebrate life’s beginning as our clergy ground us in the traditional rituals of brit milah and simchat bat, baby namings. We kvell together as our community’s children become bar or bat mitzvah. We shower soon-to-be chattans and callahs, brides and grooms, with candy at their aufruf and dance at their weddings to start them off on the path to a sweet life together. We mourn and comfort one another; organizing home shiva minyanim and daily opportunities to say kaddish.
Our Rabbi, Daniel Graber, and our Hazzan, Randy Levin, bring a unique breadth and depth of Jewish knowledge and connection to tradition, to their callings as officiants of life’s milestones and to their pastoral work. They lead FHJC’s prayer with soul and officiate at life cycle events with compassion and dignity.

Worship - Rabbi Shofar beach
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