Purim 5784 at FHJC

Purim is Sunday, March 24, and this year it’s better than ever!

Purim description of events

Fulfill ALL the Mitzvot of Purim at FHJC – Here are the Deets

March 23, Saturday Evening: 

Megillah Reading: 8:30 PM 

March 24, Sunday Morning:

Shacharit: 8:20 AM with Torah reading in the Little Synagogue

Costume Parade: 9:00 AM in the Main Sanctuary; everyone can join in the fun or cheer the paraders on

Megillah Reading: 9:15 AM in the Main Sanctuary

For Members and guests of members only:  Brunch & Chesed Projects: 10:15-11:30 AM (Brunch by RSVP only) in the Heller Ballroom




Open to All! 

Performance 11:30 AM by John Pizi (ventriloquist & magician) great fun for all ages in the Heller Ballroom

FHJC Purim Carnival: Noon – 3:00 PM in the Gym

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