
Our Community is Driven by its Members

Tzedakah is the Hebrew word for philanthropic giving.  Tzedakah has two aspects: one with the hand and one with the heart.  So much more than a financial transaction, tzedakah builds compassionate relationships and encompasses contributions of time, effort, and insight. Forest Hills Jewish Center encourages you to support and grow your relationship to our community by opening your hand and your heart and giving generously.

There are a number of ways to give to FHJC. We are sure you will find one that meets your level of commitment. Every act of tzedakah is acknowledged by FHJC.

  • Kol Nidre Appeal
  • Planned Giving 
  • Funds
    • FHJC Scholarship Fund for the Nursery or Religious School
    • Chazzan’s Music Fund
    • Pulpit Fund for the general welfare of FHJC
    • Youth Activities Fund
    • Kiddush Fund
  • Memorializing a Loved One
  • Attend a Fundraising Event at FHJC.
  • Mishloach Manot
  • If you choose to donate your time and expertise, please click here

L’Dor va’Dor Society

Forest Hills Jewish Center is a part of your life.
Your commitment can live on through a legacy gift.

The mission of the L’Dor va’Dor Society is to raise awareness and educate the membership of FHJC on ways that both members and non-members can make bequests to the FHJC, whether through a will, trust, life insurance proceeds or other financial instruments.

If you have questions about making a bequest please contact our Executive Director, Deborah Gregor, [email protected]


  • FHJC Scholarship Fund for the Nursery or Religious School
  • Chazzan’s Music Fund
  • Pulpit Fund for the general welfare of FHJC
  • Youth Activities Fund
  • Kiddush Fund

A donation to one of the special FHJC Funds enables you to direct your donation to support a specific project at FHJC. Whether you would like your donation to support the youngest members of our congregation, bring more music into our lives or defray the cost of our Shabbat kiddush, your tzedakah is greatly appreciated. The Donation button offers various Fund options or you can add your preference under ‘other.’ You can also contact the Main Office directly. Acknowledgement for all donations appears in the pages of The Message which is shared with all members and friends of FHJC and a lovely “in memory of” or “in honor of” card is sent to your designee.

Memorializing or Honoring a Loved One

Memorial plaques, a leaf on our Tree of Life, and inscription in the Book of Remembrance in the Main Sanctuary are available as a way to honor and remember a loved one. Please contact the Main Office for assistance.

Attend a Fundraising Event at FHJC

Each year we hold a Gala in honor of an esteemed member of the Forest Hills Jewish Center community. In addition, we look forward to your participation in future fundraising events, whether live or virtual. Previous events have included a Tennis Outing at the West Side Tennis Club with an auction and tennis competition.

Mishloach Manot

Participate in sending a Purim gift to fellow FHJC community members, as well as clergy, teachers and staff. Watch for details in your email as Purim approaches.

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